Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Unit8 assignment

Unit8  assignment

Q The final deliverable for the course is to develop a change process model. The model should detail the specific, incremental steps/stages in the change implementation process and incorporate various elements of change theory established in the academic research. The course readings provide some examples of change models and seminal theories in change management. Begin with a visual diagram of a change process model. Tailor the model to aid in the development of an organizational culture that is accepting of change. Also, define the requisite steps in implementing a change initiative. The model should be generalizable to a variety of industries, organizations, and change scenarios. Build into the model the appropriate needs analyses, communication and collaboration protocols, implementation reviews, etc. Include a 1250-word (minimum) narrative describing your model and how it addresses the change process deficiencies (seen in other models) that you’ve identified throughout the course. ?

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In this assignment, there will be a detailed discussion on Kotter’s 8 step change model and how this model can address the change process deficiencies in the organization. The problem that has been already identified in this course is the resistance to the change by the employees. This Kotter’s 8 step change model will help the employees to understand the need for the organizational change and also will help in implementing the new organizational change in a proper manner (Dhingra, & Punia, 2016).